How to block or disable ads in KMPlayer latest Version [Tutorial]



How to Remove Ad sidebar from KMPlayer ALL Versions

2018年8月2日 — Enter rule name as KMPlayer or anything you want and then click on Finish button. This will stop KMPlayer from accessing Internet connection.

How to remove ads in Kmplayer?

To do this, move the mouse cursor in this window (left side ad block) and press the right mouse button to call up the settings menu (option menu). Next, ...

How to Disable KMPlayer Ads in 5 Easy Steps

2016年8月18日 — Step 1: Open KM Player to see update massage. Step 2: click Update. Step 3: Install downloaded program. Done.

How To Completely Disable KMPlayer Games And Ads

Turn off KMPlayer games and ads ... Step 1: Open Internet Explorer browser. Step 2: Navigate to Tools menu and then click Internet Options to open the same.

What is the best way to remove ads from KMPlayer?

2016年8月3日 — First option: Download adblocker from here. Install it give root permission and enable adblocking. It has worked on most of the devices.


2018年8月2日—EnterrulenameasKMPlayeroranythingyouwantandthenclickonFinishbutton.ThiswillstopKMPlayerfromaccessingInternetconnection.,Todothis,movethemousecursorinthiswindow(leftsideadblock)andpresstherightmousebuttontocallupthesettingsmenu(optionmenu).Next, ...,2016年8月18日—Step1:OpenKMPlayertoseeupdatemassage.Step2:clickUpdate.Step3:Installdownloadedprogram.Done.,TurnoffKMPlayergamesandads.....

KMPlayer 2023.7.26.17 超強的影音播放

KMPlayer 2023.7.26.17 超強的影音播放
